Realignment and Recidivism in California


California has experienced significant changes in its criminal justice landscape since the 2011 implementation of public safety realignment—which shifted the management of lower-level offenders from the state prison and parole system to county jail and probation systems. The prison population has dropped dramatically, and though jail populations rose, overall incarceration levels have declined. One goal of realignment was to reduce California’s persistently high recidivism rates. Using data from 12 counties representative of the state, this report examines rearrest and reconviction rates after release from custody for two groups of offenders affected by realignment.

Viet Nguyen
Viet Nguyen
PhD in Criminology, MA in Statistics

Viet Nguyen received his PhD in criminology in 2022 at the University of Pennsylvania. He has research interests in the courts, criminal justice reform, and corrections.
